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لعبة Agrar Simulator 2012

لعبة Agrar Simulator 2012 :msn-12: Agrar Simulator 2012 2011 | PC | ENG/GER | Developer: UIG Entertainment | Publisher: Koch

28-01-2013 08:00 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لعبة Agrar Simulator 2012
Agrar Simulator 2012
2011 | PC | ENG/GER | Developer: UIG Entertainment | Publisher: Koch Media | 771MB
Genre: Simulation

Description: An excellent simulation of wide farmer, in this version of the game includes large set of equipment, maps, and additional racing game Farm Racer.Another game, join the ranks of unusual games, adventure revealing the farmers. In the game you are given all the conditions that would do all the work to the last: and the tractor, and other devices. The main purpose of the farmer is to produce all the resources to produce food, which can be animals, and plant origin. As you progress through all levels of the game you will have the opportunity to examine in more detail all the components of tractors, look at the many fields to explore combine harvesters, in general, everything related to farming activities.
Additional Information:
Idyllic, a vast landscape with lush pastures and steam fields await you at Agrar Simulator 2012. In the role of the farmer the player takes on the classic problems of agriculture and animal husbandry, cultivation of raw materials and profitable trade in finished products. In the new part Agrar Simulator 2012 are a lot of agricultural machinery Fendt, Challenger, Massey Ferguson and Valtra. The original tractors, combines, forage harvesters, attachments and trailers awaiting distribution to the field. Do you take on this task, or rely on the AI helper game?. Revenue may be invested in more and more powerful farm equipment, the expansion of agricultural land or in the performance.

In Agrar Simulator 2012 may be different options! As a beginning farmer, you need to tactically wise to invest for maximum returns. Be careful not to burn. This is the only way to expand his farm and buy more land. Select for the cultivation of various crops such as barley, rye, wheat, or rely on canola and corn. Harvest can be used both as animal feed, seeding and sold in the market for profit. Become the owner of the ranch! Build a farm and keep her cows, horses, sheep, chickens and geese. If all goes well, to be able to get certain types of offspring. This allows you to sell them for profit. Animals require special attention. Take care of proper nutrition, daily care of the stables, and watch your well being of the economy. If you do not control the state of barns and animals, it can quickly lead to catastrophic consequences. So you have a lot of work in the barns and fields. Hire staff and invest in further development of the farm.

Windows XP / Vista / 7
2 GHz (GGD)
750 MB
تحميل لعبة Agrar Simulator 2012

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الساعة الآن 09:44 PM