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حصريا تحميل سلسلة العاب Angry Birds كـاملة

حصريا تحميل سلسلة العاب Angry Birds كـاملة Patches + Saves + Unlockers + Trainers Angry Birds Collection + Patches + Saves + Unlockers + Trainers En

28-01-2013 12:51 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

حصريا تحميل سلسلة العاب Angry Birds كـاملة
Patches + Saves + Unlockers + Trainers


Angry Birds Collection + Patches + Saves + Unlockers + Trainers [Updated 25 Jan 2013]
English | Platform: PC | Release: 2011-2013 | Publisher: Rovio Entertainment | Developer: Rovio Entertainment | 316 MB
Genre: Action


- Angry Birds Space updated to 1.4.1.
- Online injector is also included which requires an internet connection to work and possibly works with future versions.
- New crack for Bad Piggies is also included and fully works with latest version, 1.1.
- Saves & Unlockers are updated to their latest definitions.

This pack includes

- Angry Birds 3.0.0
- Angry Birds Rio 1.4.4
- Angry Birds Seasons 3.1.1
- Angry Birds Space 1.4.1
- Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0
- Bad Piggies 1.1.0

1. Install any of the games you like.
2. Use universal offline patch to patch the game you want or online injector (according to its readme, although its not recommended)
** For Bad Piggies use crack-only file which is included in patch folder.
3. Register with any serial you want.
4. Play the game!

Note: Saves are 100% completed levels + all Bonus levels finished with 3 stars.
Note: Unlocker only unlocks all levels without modifying your save game.
Note: For trainers, read the help files included in each folder.
Note: Walkthroughs for all editions are available in www.angrybirdsnest.com.




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