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لعبة Miner Wars 2081

لعبة Miner Wars 2081 Miner Wars 2081 Description:Miner Wars 2081 is just the first piece in what we want to become a large Miner War

26-01-2013 02:00 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لعبة Miner Wars 2081
Miner Wars 2081


Description:Miner Wars 2081 is just the first piece in what we want to become a large Miner Wars universe. In this first title we focused on the journey of two brothers, Marcus and Apollo Rainier. Trying to uncover what they expect to be a groundbreaking discovery leading to ancient times, they travel through the whole Solar System, visit vastly different sectors, and cooperate to fight with warring factions. In a desperate attempt Apollo is forced to seek the help of the dark side – The Fourth Reich. We believe that players will enjoy the immersion and story, which is supported by heavyweight musical lineup and professional voice acting.The story will introduce you to many types of missions: rescue, exploration, revenge, base defense, theft, transportation, stealth, search and destroy, pure harvesting, racing, or just flying around and destroying everything you see.

تحميل لعبة Miner Wars 2081

اضافة رد جديد اضافة موضوع جديد

المواضيع المتشابهه
عنوان الموضوع الكاتب الردود الزوار آخر رد
تحميل لعبة الاكشن Miner Wars 2081 كاملة بصيغة Iso على روابط مباشره عاشق الالعاب
0 105 عاشق الالعاب
النسخه الاصغر لاحدث العاب الاكشن Miner Wars عاشق الالعاب
0 90 عاشق الالعاب

الكلمات الدلالية
لا يوجد كلمات دلالية ..

الساعة الآن 09:51 PM