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Oh Mother Lyrics

Oh Mother Lyrics Whoa, oh, yeah, She was so young with such innocent eyes She always dreamt of a fairytale life And all the things your money

07-05-2008 03:10 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-07-2007
رقم العضوية : 8,519
المشاركات : 6,978
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 87,211,242
Oh Mother Lyrics

Whoa, oh, yeah,

She was so young with such innocent eyes
She always dreamt of a fairytale life
And all the things your money cant buy
She thought daddy was a wonderful guy
Then suddenly, things seemed to change
It was the moment she took on his name
He took his anger out on her face
She kept all of her pain locked away

Oh mother, were stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, dont look back
Cause hell never hurt us again

So mother, I thank you
For all youve done and still do
You got me, I got you
Together we always pull through
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother

It was the day that he turned on his kids
That she knew she just had to leave him
So many voices inside of her head
Saying over and over and over,
"You deserve much more than this."

She was so sick of believing the lies and trying to hide
Covering the cuts and bruises (cuts and bruises)
So tired of defending her life, she could have died
Fighting for the lives of her children

Oh mother, were stronger
From all of the tears you have shed (all of the tears you have shed)
Oh mother, dont look back
Cause hell never hurt us again (hell never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (thank you)
For all that youve done and still do (still do)
You got me, I got you, (yeah you got me and I got you)
Together we always pull through.
We always pull through
We always pull through
Oh mother, oh mother, oh mother

All of your life you have spent
Burying hurt and regret
But mama, hell never touch us again

For everytime he tried to break you down
Just remember whos still around
Its over, and were stronger
And well never have to go back again

Oh mother, were stronger
From all of the tears you have shed
Oh mother, dont look back (oh mother dont look back again)
Cause hell never hurt us again (cause hell never hurt us again)

So mother, I thank you (and I thank you for everything youve done)
For all that youve done and still do (together we always move on)
You got me, I got you, (you got me, I got you)
Together we always pull through (always pull through)
We always pull through
We always pull through

I love you mom

توقيع ::$لحن الحب$:

Im Your Fuckin Nightmare

look/images/icons/i1.gif Oh Mother Lyrics
  07-05-2008 03:12 مساءً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 14-01-2008
رقم العضوية : 3,795
المشاركات : 5,309
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 112,770
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