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سباق الموتوسيكلات المثير والممتع MotoGP 08

سباق الموتوسيكلات المثير والممتع MotoGP 08 لعبة سباق الموتوسيكلات المثير والممتع MotoGP 08 MotoGP 08 puts you on a motorbike, racing around

31-07-2012 01:20 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
سباق الموتوسيكلات المثير والممتع MotoGP 08



سباق الموتوسيكلات المثير والممتع
MotoGP 08



MotoGP 08 puts you on a motorbike, racing around the word through the 08 season. Being the official game of the championship, MotoGP 08 faithfully represents all the names, colors, designs and logos of teams, riders, bikes and tracks. From Yamaha to Honda or Ducati, its all here. The full game also includes a complete tutorial that will help you decide which motorbike and driving style suits you best, as well as several gaming modes including Career, Championship, Quick Race and Online Mode.
As for the MotoGP 08 demo, I must say its a bit too limited, especially if you compare it with the features found in the full game. That said, the truth is that MotoGP 08 manages to give you an excellent taste of the actual game in terms of graphics and gameplay.
Talking about graphics, MotoGP 08 meet the expectations. Both bikes and riders are depicted with a high level of detail, and the games diverse camera perspectives contribute to enhance realism – try the first-person view and youll see what Im talking about. As for playability, MotoGP 08 is not especially difficult to control, as long as you get used to a somewhat strange key combination: A to accelerate, S to brake and the left and right arrows to turn.
MotoGP 08 is a must-have for all motorbike fans that will enable you to feel like an official Championship bike rider

Windows 7

543.2 MB
علي 6 روابط كل رابط 95 ميجا ما عدا الاخير 69

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  31-07-2012 01:24 صباحاً   [1]
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رقم العضوية : 50,309
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