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لعبة السباق الرهيبه Ferrari Virtual Race

لعبة السباق الرهيبه Ferrari Virtual Race Ferrari Virtual Race Ferrari Virtual Race is a free official Ferrari game that puts you behind the wheel o

30-07-2012 11:50 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لعبة السباق الرهيبه Ferrari Virtual Race


Ferrari Virtual Race

Ferrari Virtual Race is a free official Ferrari game that puts you behind the wheel of a selection of sports cars. Race up to seven other Ferraris around the legendary Mugelo circuit in Italy.
There are three cars to choose from, a 430 Scuderia, 599 Fiorano and 612 Scaglietti. They all handle differently, and you can race them in a mixed field of cars, or just against the same type. Ferrari Virtual Race has the usual options like manual or automatic, various camera modes and so on.
Ferrari Virtual Races driving is pretty pleasing, not oversensitive like many simulators, and Mugelo is a goood track (it is a shame theres only one!). Opponents are good, and the three difficulty modes should suit everyone, although driving experts will no doubt have no trouble beating the hardest setting.
The sound is disappointing, but the graphics are good, with a nice motion effect at the edge of the screen, good car models and nice dust effects. There is an option in Ferrari Virtual Race to set up your own Ferrari online and race it in the game, but this is only available to people with a paid membership of the Ferrari website.
Ferrari Virtual Race may only have one track, but its still one of the most impressive free PC racing games to date.

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