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تحمــــيل لعــبة تقطيــع الفواكه الشهيــــرة fruit ninja HD لل PC

تحمــــيل لعــبة تقطيــع الفواكه الشهيــــرة fruit ninja HD لل PC اتمنى ان تستمتعو بمواضيعي Fruit Ninja HD لعبة نينجا تقطيع الفواكة الرائعة Fru

14-06-2012 02:12 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

اتمنى ان تستمتعو بمواضيعي


Fruit Ninja HD

لعبة نينجا تقطيع الفواكة الرائعة Fruit Ninja HD
المطلوب منك هو ان تقوم بتقطيع الفواكة بسيفك وحاول ان لاتقوم بتقطيع القنابل لأنها سوف تنفجر وستخصم من نقاطك

NoCrackNeeded - Install and Play
What is it? It’s hard to overstate the basic simplicity of Fruit Ninja HD. Fruit appears on the screen, and you’re tasked with slicing and slashing it up, ninja-style. And that’s pretty much it. New in the iPad version of the game, however, is multiplayer support. It’s hectic fun and the replay value is high. In fact, in Classic mode, you even get one opportunity to send a bomb onto your opponent’s half of the screen, just to be extra vicious.

Swipe your finger across the screen to deliciously slash and splatter fruit like a true ninja warrior. Be careful of bombs – they are explosive to touch and will put a swift end to your juicy adventure! Fruit Ninja features Classic, Zen and the amazing new Arcade mode, along with online multiplayer for Game Center-enabled devices! It also has awesome global leaderboards and achievements to unlock. Your success will also please the wise ninja Sensei, who will accompany your journey with wise words and fun fruit facts. Fruit Ninja is the messiest and most satisfying fruit game ever!




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