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حصريا العبه الخطيره جدا لعبة الحرب والاستراتجيه لعبة Spartan: Total Warrior

حصريا العبه الخطيره جدا لعبة الحرب والاستراتجيه لعبة Spartan: Total Warrior Spartan: Total Warrior حصريا العبه الخطيره جدا لعبة

25-05-2012 04:00 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60

Spartan: Total Warrior [PS2] [PAL] حصريا العبه الخطيره جدا لعبة



Spartan: Total Warrior is a brand new chapter in the history of the industry acclaimed studio Creative Assembly, to whom we owe the creation of award-winning Total War series. Spartan completely breaks with the tradition of the company, because instead of elaborate strategies have received very dynamic adventure action game.

As the title suggests, the action set the production in question was in ancient times, the players account for the role of one of the notorious Spartan warriors who fought with the power of Rome. Basically the gameplay similar to what we see in the games of the series Dynasty Warriors, namely run hero takes part in countless battles and duels quantities, uses different types of weapons (sword, initially use the kit plus a shield, or we use a bow, then there is also another weapon in the even a spear, mace, and two-handed sword), or spectacular fighting styles - we can shield stun and knock down the enemy, inflicted severe blows in melee, use various combinations of strokes, and even the mighty duel finishing moves, etc.. It should also be noted that the run hero does not always work alone - the most in its vicinity there are a few or a dozen companions, who also fought with the enemy. They try to support our activities, so it is odwdzięczać the same.

In total, the transition was given 14 complex levels (adventure begin in the Greek city-state called Sparta, finish and in the then Rome), where we have to perform different tasks. Some of them are a constant struggle to huge arenas, its objective and mission is to survive to the end of the show. Along with progress in the game, statistics and skills of our hero grow - also changes his appearance. On the road warrior managed by the players is 60 different types of enemies, from gladiators and Roman legionnaires trained and ending with the antique-style monsters or giants gorgons.

Visuals created by using a modified graphics engine, as used in Rome: Total War and falls well. In Spartan: Total Warrior on the screen while staying even one hundred and sixty characters that run like a hero fighting with opponents, trying to survive on the battlefield, or perform assigned tasks. This all gives an incredible feeling to participate in a larger battle, and not in actions like "a hero versus the rest of the world". On the polished level, made all the character models and animation of their movements, also falls very well setting in which it occurs subsequent fights (huge cities, arenas, open space, underground mazes, etc.). In the struggle against climate accompanies the audio track, lifting enjoyment of the game.

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look/images/icons/i1.gif حصريا العبه الخطيره جدا لعبة الحرب والاستراتجيه لعبة Spartan: Total Warrior [PS2] [PAL]
  09-12-2013 12:00 مساءً   [1]
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 09-12-2013
رقم العضوية : 53,344
المشاركات : 1
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50

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