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لعبة السباقات المدهشة Road Attack بحجم 7 ميجا

لعبة السباقات المدهشة Road Attack بحجم 7 ميجا لعبة السباقات المدهشة Road Attack بحجم 7 ميجا Road Attack - Race Car Game

13-05-2012 02:30 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لعبة السباقات المدهشة Road Attack بحجم 7 ميجا


لعبة السباقات المدهشة Road Attack

بحجم 7 ميجا


Road Attack - Race Car Game
Play race car game, leave everybody behind! The game Road Attack presents a breathtaking variety of races including shooting. Drive a super high speed racing car equipped with the most advanced weapons. Take a dangerous route destroying the enemies to finish first. Thirst for speed and danger makes the race car game more captivating. Take a route full of obstacles in a limited period of time at each level. The opponents cars will stand in your way trying to make you lose the game. The number of the opponents is going to rise at each level. Pick up such bonuses as additional weapons, a super engine and armor. Download race car game, try to finish first

Outstanding animated graphics
Full screen and window modes
Light-hearted background music and sound effects
Keyboard and Mouse control
User-friendly Interface
Install / Uninstall Support
Life-time technical support
Non-violent and fun for all ages
Race Car Game - Absolutely FREE

System Requirements
Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP or better
Pentium 200mhz or better
15 MB hard drive space
800x600 display resolution mode or higher
High or true color highly recommended
DirectX 5.0 or better


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