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لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW

لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية الممي

03-05-2012 03:23 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW

لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW


لهواة التميز اللعبة الحربية المميزة Binary Domain-SKIDROW

wol_errorاضغط هنا لمشاهدة الصورة بالحجك الطبيعي.fJ2Aq

The Machine Age has begun in the immersive and atmospheric squad-based shooter Binary Domain. Regain control of a futuristic Tokyo from an emerging robotic threat in the year 2080. The story starts when Dan Marshall and his squad are sent to bring the robotic community under control as they begin to infiltrate society and slowly take over undetected, leaving humans redundant in their wake. Fighting through the derelict lower levels of the city, players control an international peace-keeping squad that soon starts to question their surroundings and the choices they make. Are the robots becoming more human, or are humans becoming more like machines?Thrilling encounters with these highly intelligent robotic enemies require you to think tactically, make challenging, real-time moral decisions and build up trust with your team mates in order to guide your squad to safety and success.

A NEW TAKE ON FUTURISTIC TOKYO – Experience dual layered Tokyo with a run down and derelict lower city and a clean and affluent upper city.
THE CONSEQUENCE SYSTEM – Under the pressures of battle every action,every choice and every word affects everything.
PROCEDURAL DAMAGE – Fully destructible and highly resilient robots adapt to the damage they sustain encouraging you to analyse each enemy, find their weaknesses and dispose of them in the most efficient way.
WEAPON MODIFICATION AND SKILL SELECTION – Alongside a full armoury of unique weapons, put emphasis on the skills that will benefit you.





part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

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