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لعبة سوليتير فى 77 شكل Pretty Good Solitaire v13.2.0-PH

لعبة سوليتير فى 77 شكل Pretty Good Solitaire v13.2.0-PH استمتع بساعان عديدة مع لعبة سولستير الجديدة العب اكثر من 770 شكل مختلف من لعبة سوليتير

08-04-2012 07:40 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60
لعبة سوليتير فى 77 شكل Pretty Good Solitaire v13.2.0-PH

استمتع بساعان عديدة مع لعبة سولستير الجديدة
العب اكثر من 770 شكل مختلف من لعبة سوليتير
You will enjoy countless hours of fun with Pretty Good Solitaire. Play 770 different Solitaire card games, from classic games like Klondike, FreeCell, and Spider, to original games found nowhere else.Play Pyramid, Cruel, Gaps (Montana), Crescent, Diplomat, Indian Patience, and original games such as Demons and Thieves, Aces and Kings, and Double FreeCell.Pretty Good Solitaire contains a Solitaire game for every mood.
  • Pretty Good Solitaire is easy to play, giving you the choice of the standard drag and drop or its unique quick right button mouse clicks to move the cards.
  • Don’t settle for just being able to undo one move again, with Pretty Good Solitaire you can undo every move and redo them again if you wish.
  • Leave a game while it is in progress and Pretty Good Solitaire will save it for you – when you enter that game again it will play the game back for you to where you left off.
Release Name: Pretty.Good.Solitaire.v13.2.0-PH
Size: 8.1 MB






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