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لعبة السباقات والسرعة الخطيرة Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012

لعبة السباقات والسرعة الخطيرة Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012 لعبة السباقات والسرعة الخطيرة Ridge Racer Unbounded 2012 Ridge Racer Unboun

05-04-2012 01:31 صباحاً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 01-06-2011
رقم العضوية : 46,086
المشاركات : 3,000
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 60


Ridge Racer Unbounded v1.03 (2012/MULTi6/RePack by R.G.BoxPack)
Year: 2012 | PC | Eng+Multi6 | Developer: Bugbear Entertainment | Publisher: Namco Bandai | 1.43 Gb
Genre: Arcade / Racing

Ridge Racer Unbounded - a super-race series with a gorgeous model of the destruction of the famous company Bugbear Entertainment, the creators of Flatout and Flatout 2. The perfect race: speed, wind andrenalin. You have to win! In this frenzy are no restrictions. Crush your opponents and destroy everything around you! Interfere with homes, trucks, fencing? Do not go around them, wasting precious time. Break a new way and let the whole city tremble!

- Mchis, destroy, dominate! Street Racing with a unique physics of damage from the creators of a series of Flatout
- Symphony of destruction. If there is something you have embarked on the road, blew it to hell! Go ahead!
- Urban Legends. Wake a sleepy town of roaring engines, razed it to the ground and build a new one.
- The Expendables. Make a name for himself in the coolest gang of street racers and capture the city, district by district

متطلبات التشغيل:
- Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core x2 2,6 GHz or equivalent Athlon
- Memory: 1 GB for XP and 2 GB for Vista / 7
- Video card: 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 4850/NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or better)
- Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
- Free disk space: 6 GB

Features RePacka:
- It is based on license from Akella -
* Do not cut
* Do not recoded
* Sewn patch 1.03
* Exclusive installer
* Start the game via the shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Installation requires 512 MB of RAM
* The installation of 2 minutes
Author RePacka:
* Bumblebee
Release Group: RGBoxPack

طريقة التشغيل:
A. Mount image
Two. Establish
Three. Play (starting from the desktop)




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