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Part Of Me ♥ Lyrics ♥

Part Of Me by ♥ Katy Perry ♥ i realy love this song so injoy♥ ♥ Days like this i want to drive away, Pack

26-03-2012 12:22 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50

Part Of Me by Katy Perry


i realy love this song so injoy
♥ ♥

Days like this i want to drive away,
Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade,
Cos you chewed me up and spit me out,
Like I was poison in your mouth,
You took my light, you drink me down,
That was then and this is now, now look at me

This is the part of me,
That your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
That your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
Throw your sticks in the stones,
throw your palms in your clothes,
but your not gonna break my soul
This is the part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]

I just wanna throw my phone away,
Find out who is really there for me,
Cos you rip me off, your love was cheap,
was always tearing at the seams,
I fell deep and you let me drown,
but that was then and this is now, now look at me

This is the part of me,
That your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
That your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
throw your sticks in the stones,
throw your palms in your clothes,
but your not gonna break my soul
this is the part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]

now look at me I’m sparkilin’
a fire we could dance in pain,
you wont ever put me out again, im going [oh woah]
you can keep the dog from me,
I never liked him anyway,
infact you can keep everything [yeah, yeah],
except for me

this is the part of me,
that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
throw your sticks in the stones,
throw your palms in your clothes,
but your not gonna break my soul
this is the part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]
this is the part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me [no]

to see her video plz click here


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