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The Wanted - Gold Forever

الكلـــمات روعة ..} Say my name like its the last time, Live today like its your last night, We want to cry but we know its alright, Cause im wit

24-03-2012 01:40 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50


الكلـــمات روعة

Say my name like its the last time,
Live today like its your last night,
We want to cry but we know its alright,
Cause im with you and your with me,
Butterflies, butterflies..we were meant to fly,
You and i, you and i..colours in the sky,
We could rule the world someday, somehow
but well never be as bright as we are now.

Were standing in a light that wont fade,
Tomorrows coming but this wont change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one im gonna take my life through,
Cause some days stay gold forever.

Promise me youll stay the way you are,
Keep the fire alive and stay young at heart,
When the storm feels like it could blow you out remember, you got me and I got you..cause we are, butterflies, butterflies..we were meant to fly
You and i, you and i..colours in the sky,
When the innocence is dead and gone,
These will be the times we look back on.

Were standing in a light that wont fade,
Tomorrows coming but this wont change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one im gonna take my life through,
Cause some days stay gold forever.

I wont, I wont let your memory go cause your colors they burn so bright,
Who knows, who knows what tomorrow will hold but I know that well be alright

Butterflies, butterflies
..we were meant to fly,
You and i, you and i..colours in the sky,
We could rule the world someday, somehow but well never be as bright as we are now.

Were standing in a light that wont fade,
Tomorrows coming but this wont change,
Cause some days stay gold forever.
The memory of being here with you,
Is one im gonna take my life through,
Cause some days stay gold forever.


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لا يوجد كلمات دلالية ..

الساعة الآن 06:21 PM