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Dead By April - Losing You

for some one Special here Knows himself well What I have in me, in my mind isyou I would die if we were through What Im feeling now what Im headingi

06-03-2012 02:53 مساءً
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 06-10-2011
رقم العضوية : 47,022
المشاركات : 2,027
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
for some one Special here

Knows himself well


What I have in me, in my mind isyou
I would die if we were through
What Im feeling now what Im headinginto
I am lost in painwithout you
Socold, so alone

All I have is you
It is all that Im breathingfor
All I need is you
Now I cant make it through

All the nightsIve prayed
Must this all be untrue
I am not prepared to be strong
Ijust cant believe
I am losing you
Unprepared to carry on
I cant seeyou walk away
So cold, so alone

All I have is you
It is all that Im breathingfor
All I need is you
Now I cant make it through
I am losing youforever
I am lost in pain without you
I am leaving groundforever

Distant, so far, destiny is selecting me
I cant be stronglife is disconnection me
Now loneliness infecting me
Gone are thedays
Youwere there protecting me
Socold, so alone

All I have is you
It is all that Im breathingfor
All I need is you
Now I cant make it through
I am losing youforever
I am lost in pain without you
I am leaving groundforever

All I have is you
It isall that Im breathing for
All I need is you
Now I cant make itthrough


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