المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: رانديRKO;1630662 يسلمو بس ناسيه شغله
هيك بضحك
تخيلي يزعل
هههههههههههههههههههه assoom assoom
كلو ولا يزعل الامور..
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: mannora;1630673 هههههههههههه
كلو ولا آخر صوره هههههههه
الله يسلمك حبيبتي...
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: silent.hill;1633491 هههههههههههه
يسلمو .....
الله يسلمك...
نورت الموضوع..
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
في غيابك مدري احيا او اموت
في غيابك ترتسم اقسى الدروب
في غيابك يحفر لآلم اصعب الخطوط
وتغرس الدموع على خدودي حدود
وفي غيابك مالي بلدنيا وجود
في غيابك اموت وانتضر رجوعك
ولما ترجع انسى الآمي و شجوني
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: سفيرة الاحلام;1638188 ميرخسي:aass:
فعوا...:hi: :hi:
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: JUST FOR YOU;1639011ههههههههههههههههههههههههه كثــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــير حلوين يسلــــــــــــــــــــــــــموا
الله يسلمك يا رب...
وجودك الاحلى..
توقيع :sky angel
<font size="6"> PALSTINE <font size="5">I could never forget
the flame of your city
Imaging you burning my heart
...Caressing every minute
<font size="5">has fell in love
and my hands have touched you
???Is it the magic of your lake
,or are your eyes and the passion
Many cities I have seen
but no one like your fantasy
The messengers of your history
...try to tell me all your dreams
<font face="Comic Sans MS">...we will come back palestine