<embed src="http://download.mrkzy.com/e/1311_md_13027206836.swf" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=527 quality="high" loop="false" menu="false" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" AllowScriptAccess="never" nojava="true"></embed> ღ ღღ ღღ ღღ ღThere ain’t no grave can
hold my body down.
ღ ღღ ღღ ღღ ღ
When I hear that trumpet
sound I’m gonna
rise right
outta the ground aint’ no
that can hold my body down. ღ ღღ ღღ ღღ ღ
Well look way down the river
and what do you think I see? I see a band of angels
and they’re
coming after me. ღ ღღ ღღ ღღ ღ There ain’t no grave that can
hold my body down. There ain’t
no grave
can hold my body down.
ღ ღღ ღღ ღღ ღ
Well look down yonder
Gabriel put your feet on the
land and sea. But Gabriel don’t you
blow your trumpet ‘til
you hear from me.
وانا اليوم طلعت على السوق مع اختي
وبنت عمي ودخلنا عشان ناكل بوضه
ويا ريت ما اكلنا
انقلبت البوضه كلها على بنت عمتي