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رد: بدي اغني :nAshOomA (21)::nAshOomA (21): كابسه معي ع اجنبيassoomsad my baby you)

:nAshOomA (21)::nAshOomA (21): كابسه معي ع اجنبيassoomsad my baby you) as i look into your eyes i see all the reasons way my lifes worth a thou

look/images/icons/i1.gif ^بدي اغني^
  25-01-2009 01:45 صباحاً  
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 20-02-2008
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قوة السمعة : 48,997,886
:nAshOomA (21)::nAshOomA (21):

كابسه معي ع اجنبيassoomsad

my baby you)
as i look into your eyes
i see all the reasons way
my lifes worth a thousand skies
youre the simplest love ive know..
and the purest one ill own
know youll never be alone

my baby you
are the reason i could fly
and cause of you

i dont have to wonder why
baby you
there no more just getting by
youre the reason i feel so alive
though these words i sing are true
they still fail to capture you
as mere words can only do
how do i explain that smile
and how it turns my world around
keebing my feet on the ground
my baby you
are the reason i could fly
and cause of you
i dont have to wonder why
baby you
there no more just getting by
youre the reason i feel so alive
i will sooth you if you fail
ill be right there if you call
youre my greatest love pf all
you are the reason i could fly
and cause of you
i dnnt have to wonder why
my baby you
theres no more just getting by
cause youre the reason i feel so alive
arianna i feel so alive

ينعن عمري:face (68):


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