المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: اه يا زمن;448340 Hi all, i am so sorry for writing in English because my Arabic typing is very poor. In addition i want to welcome everybody has visited this page and commented on the topic. Initially i am Salahat or al-salahat whatever, but i dont know this detailed history about my family. Also i am proud of the writer whoever, regardless the nationality, but my comment is to keep the discrimination away. Since i am living in the states i would be very happy to contact the initiator of the topic because i am not sure about my origin what i know that is my father is Salahat and mother is American, she has mentioned to me Dair All, so you may be my cousin------------- who knows?مبسوطه كتير انه عرفت هاااااااااااااي المعلومات منك يمكن نكون اولاد عم مين بيعرف
هلا فيك اكيييييييييييييييييييييييييد:Jordan: