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رد: سيـــــــرة ذاتيــــــــــــة Curriculum vitae Personal profile: Name

Curriculum vitae Personal profile: Name : Abdullah Abdelrhman Abu alhaj. Nationality : Jordanian. Date of Birth

look/images/icons/i1.gif سيـــــــرة ذاتيــــــــــــة
  08-11-2008 03:43 مساءً  
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 04-11-2008
رقم العضوية : 18,057
المشاركات : 40
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 50
Curriculum vitae

Personal profile:

Name : Abdullah Abdelrhman Abu alhaj.
Nationality : Jordanian.
Date of Birth : 13/6/1985
Place of Birth : Amman –Jordan
Marital status : Single
Address : Amman –Jordan
Contact No : +962-78-8037270
E-Mail :Abualhaj_85@yahoo.com

Ambitious and highly motivation, with collaborative skills persons, want to work in a successful health care company. That provides optimal level of health care services and prevents infection and applies health education to improve and maintenance health status.


2008NURSINGALzaytoonah private university of JordanB.S.C1-

Duties and responsibilities are:
Taking care of patient with CRF,ARF,ESRD.*
* Taking care with different type of vascular access such as temporary catheter ,permenent catheter ,AV fistula ,AV graft.
* Assist doctor during insertion of temporary and permenent catheter, and educate the patient how to take care of catheters at home.
*Taking care of patient complaining of chronic anemia due to ESRD ,and apply health education about disease process and preventive measures.
* Apply infection control policies on my hospital and general precautions for infection control.
* Assess patient pre,during and post hemodialysis and evaluate dry wt accurately.
* Make a health education for patient and their family and prepare a discharge plane .
* Work effectively and cooperative with my colleague
* Apply blood transfusion procedure effectively.
* Administer diferent type of medication routes (IV,IM,SC)
* Taking care of patient with respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest, post RTA ,Cut wounds ,abdominal pain , renal colic etc……
* Draw blood sample and ABG sample.
* Administer medication in different routs


THE ISTIQLAL HOSPITALFor 12 training hoursECG 12 leads reading course.
THE ISTIQLAL HOSPITALFor 25 training hoursACLS course.
THE ISLAMIC&ALESTESHAREE HOSPITALFor nine academic months included 64 theoreyical and 240 clinical hoursDIALYSIS

Professional registration:

Jordan nurses and midwives council. -

Work experiences:

-7/2008 to 10/2008 hemodialysis unit , the Islamic hospital.

Languages :
-Arabic (native)
-English : reading and writing fluently speaking very well.

Additional slills:

-Computer skills :office microsoft, internet,searching through internrt.

* Rajaa ayash (nursing director of hemodialysis unit)
-The Islamic hospital
-Address : Amman –Jordan

* Mohammad ismail qandil (stuff nurse in hemodialyis unit)
-The Islamic hospital
Address:Amman –Jordan-

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