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Programming And Problem Solving With Visual Basic .NET Programming And Problem Solving Wi

Programming And Problem Solving With Visual Basic .NET This book introduces Visual Basic from an object-oriented viewpoint, with a rigor and a

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  03-11-2008 03:53 مساءً  
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 25-09-2007
رقم العضوية : 1,196
المشاركات : 271
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 17,956
Programming And Problem Solving With Visual Basic .NET

This book introduces Visual Basic from an object-oriented viewpoint, with a rigor and accessibility perfect for students learning their first programming language. Rich in the pedagogical style that is the trademark of the Dale series of programming texts, this Visual Basic text provides straightforward explanations, meaningful examples, and engaging exercises. Students develop good programming habits right from the start and acquire a thorough understanding of classes, methods, object-oriented concepts, and algorithms. The Visual Basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) is extensively discussed, which complements the texts emphasis on fundamental programming concepts. The active learning methodology and rich topic coverage of this text thoroughly prepare students for future study.

The focus of this book is on the fundamentals of programming. Each chapter focuses on one of the major programming constructs of the language. User interface details, while not ignored, are kept to the basics of form design in Visual Basic .NET. I wrote this book feeling that once the reader has a good grasp of using Visual Basic .NET, the reader can venture out on his or her own to learn more about user interface design and development.

Chapter 01 - Overview of Programming and Problem Solving
Chapter 02 - Visual Basic Syntax and Semantics and the Program Entry Process
Chapter 03 - Event-Driven Output
Chapter 04 - Numeric Types and Expressions
Chapter 05 - Event-Driven Input and Software Design Strategies
Chapter 06 - Conditions, Logical Expressions, and Selection Control Structures
Chapter 07 - Classes and Methods
Chapter 08 - Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Scope
Chapter 09 - File I/O and Looping
Chapter 10 - Additional Control Structures and Exceptions
Chapter 11 - One-Dimensional Arrays
Chapter 12 - Array-Based Lists
Chapter 13 - Multidimensional Arrays and Numeric Computation
Appendix A - Database Programming in Visual Basic. NET
Appendix B - Visual Basic Reserved Words
Appendix C - Operator Precedence
Appendix D - Primitive Data Types
Appendix E - Formatting Numbers
Appendix F - Program Style, Formatting, and Documentation

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