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رد: مهند من هو؟؟؟صور+معلومات+مسلسلاته (Exclusive In English): _ ▂ ▄ &a

(Exclusive In English): _ ▂ ▄ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ &#960

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  12-07-2008 06:51 مساءً  
معلومات الكاتب ▼
تاريخ الإنضمام : 31-01-2008
رقم العضوية : 4,320
المشاركات : 454
الجنس :
قوة السمعة : 15,744
(Exclusive In English):

_ ▂ ▄ ▃ ▅ ▆ ▇ Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▄ ▂

Who was born on 27 October 1983 in Adana to a family of five children, Went to the middle-school of the Yenice Özel Çað Lisesi. In Adana, He played Basketball in the clubs of Fiskobirlik, Güney Sanayii, Çukurova Kulübü, Devlet Su Ýþleri and in the American Club of Tarsus. In 1997 His father had to take medical heart treatment, He moved with his family from Adana to Istanbul. When graduating from the Kalamis High school, He had in mind to become Basketball player. With the only idea of playing Basketball in (NBA) , He applied at Ülkerspor, was immediately accepted and entered for a training of 2 years. He later played one year for Besiktas and another year for Fenerbahce. But when having returned to the Besiktas team, He was severely injured, And all his plans "fell in the water" (broke down), And he finished his professional life as a Basketball player. During that period, He was continuously complimented on his physical appearance, And he says that: He prepared himself for a career as a model. This was not apprehended by anybody until what the surprising activities of his mother! When She was on the window of a market in Beylikdüzü, and saw an advertisement reading: "Do you work with professional mannequins?", She sent a picture of Kivanc. The concerning company wondered about this, but the proposal was accepted.
He said that : I am sportsman, whatever my profession with modeling is.
And once in a while, He found himself on the catwalk. He appreciated later coming offers and began to work professionally in this business that he liked more and more.
Kivanc says : It was always my mother with ,To make a model of me.

After having worked 2 years for an agency, He entered the 2002 “Best Model” competition and became the first winner of Turkey and, later, of the world.
Later, His time in France began. When he got an offer from the agency “Success” in Paris, he took all his belongings and moved to France. His contract there lasted 1 ½ year. It is said that he got a proposal for a TV series on the phone while being in Paris. Since his childhood, he had been interested in cinema and television, and he certainly had taken in mind to that once. But at this time, he still confessed that he was going to become a model, and that he could appear on film sets later. He came to Turkey for evaluating the plot. In finding the role of “Mehmet” in the series “Gümüş” very close to himself, he thought that playing it would at least also provide something to him. He is taking that role now for two years and feels very much interest in it.
Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ currently spents most of his time on the set. He says: I can see neither my family nor my friends. I certainly have an asocial life-style, even “well” a social . During breaks, he reads books and newspapers and listens to music.
But he doesn’t talk to people very much. Outside the set, Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ appears to be a “silent child”. The handsome actor says that he loves to criticize himself , and that he took courses for a while from Okan Bayülgen.
Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ confesses that – due to his granted attractive physical appearance, he is sometimes close to perceiving this as an anomaly. From another point of view, many male models are gay or gigolos, and he emphasizes that "People who behave with such arrogance shall not approach me."
He doesn’t like to go out at night and spend time in clubs. Moreover, he is happy when chatting with friends. Together, they watch tv or prepare tavla (a game) parties.
Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, who, from the world stage, gives a successful example for his friends, points out the following on his resemblance with David Beckham: ‘When my hair was long, I even didn’t remember Beckham’s name. Actually, Beckham resembled to me.’
Kivanc speaks English on a good level and remarks that his career is very important to him and that it was his biggest dream to become a good actor. Therefore, he took the first step towards this. He took acting lessons at the State Theatre from the actor Laçin Ceylan’dan (known in the series as his fatherly aunt Gülsun)...
He says : “If I look, I have got many deficiencies.”,.
And he specifies that he plans to continue his lessons and that he wishes to take a role in a good cinema movie. Another of Tatlıtuğ’s wishes is to play in theatre

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ says :

- He is a bit bitter and sees life as cruel.

- He would not show a relationship to the public eye.

- He believes strongly in Allâh and that he depends on his religion.

- Fame, glory and money remain secondary for him.

- His family was very poor.

- On his own appearance - likes his eyes best.

- He loves to dive in the depths of the sea very much .

- That he (still) not yet accustomed to Istanbul.

- For him, it is "nothing" (not a shame) if males cry, and that he himself would cry at times.

- He might appear emotional without being very emotional in reality.

Details info:

date of Birth: 27 October 1983
Religion : Muslim
Zodiac : scorpio
Place of Birth : Adana, Turkey
supermodel of Bosniak origin.
Height: 6 2¾" (1.90 m)
Weight: 76 kg
Trousers Size - 42
Suit Size - 50-52
Eyes - Blue-Green
Hair - Blonde
Shoes - 43
Partner (His ex Girlfriend) : Azra Akin (Miss World of 2002) She is Turkish.

Additional Details :
Other Works : Model for Network (2004-2005)
Best Model of The World 2002
Best Model of Turkey 2002

Hes done a lot of modelling in France theyve nicknamed him (Kivan) there

Publicity Listings : 1 Magazine Cover Photo "Elele" (Turkey) February 2005

Genres: Drama.
TV Series
Gumus (Mehmet) |Gumus |2005
Menekse ile Halil (Halil) |Menekse and Halil |2007

Films :
Amerikalilar Karadenizde |American At The Black Sea 2007

Basketball player, swimmer, model airplane, drawing, squash

،،،،،،،،S :
Turkish (Native), English (advanced)

الساعة الآن 02:26 PM