المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة: SaRa N.A;1887935 tممكن معك حق الام مرات كتير بتجنننا بس بالنهايه هي ام وكل هاد خوف علينا صدقيني ومحبه والله يخليلك ياها ويخليها للجميع تاج عى الراس ونورتي الموضوع وما في مشكله انو بالانجليزيthe most one who confuses me with this quality is my mom
i know she is older and she has more experiences than me but sometimes it gets out of control
once i went to the doctor and before i tell the doctor whats wrong with me mom gave me the reasons and the cure i was surprised this is a very simple example
i really hate that...
sorry im writing in english but i have no arabic key bored
thanks for the topic
المهم نكسب نورك :nAshOomA (33):