أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في JO1R FORUM | منتديات شباب و صبايا الأردن، لكي تتمكن من المشاركة ومشاهدة جميع أقسام المنتدى وكافة الميزات ، يجب عليك إنشاء حساب جديد بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا أو تسجيل الدخول اضغط هنا إذا كنت عضواً .

هل انت خنفشاري؟؟؟ tthe most one who confuses me with this quality is my mom i know she i

tthe most one who confuses me with this quality is my mom i know she is older and she has more experiences than me but sometimes it gets out of cont

look/images/icons/i1.gif هل انت خنفشاري؟؟؟
  12-02-2012 07:15 مساءً  
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the most one who confuses me with this quality is my mom
i know she is older and she has more experiences than me but sometimes it gets out of control
once i went to the doctor and before i tell the doctor whats wrong with me mom gave me the reasons and the cure i was surprised this is a very simple example
i really hate that...
sorry im writing in english but i have no arabic key bored
thanks for the topic

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