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صداقتي الجميله * To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. * Forget yo

* To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life. * Forget your troubles , a friend is near. * You cant choose your parents but you can

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  02-10-2011 12:46 مساءً  
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 18-05-2011
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قوة السمعة : 1,806,090,477
* To have a good friend is one of the highest delights of life.
* Forget your troubles , a friend is near.
* You cant choose your parents but you can choose your friends.
* Friends share each others gladness wipe each other tears.
* Precious are all things that comes from friends.

الساعة الآن 11:54 PM