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دفتر مذكراتي When all is said and done,what really matters? at the end of the day,at the

When all is said and done,what really matters? at the end of the day,at the end of the week, or at the end of your life,what really matters? Does i

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  25-09-2010 03:54 مساءً  
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تاريخ الإنضمام : 05-08-2010
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When all is said and done,what really matters?
at the end of the day,at the end of the week,
or at the end of your life,what really matters?

Does it really matters where you lived?
Does it really matters how much money
you had or didnt had?

Does it matter what you drove or what
you did for living?

Make the best of lifes moments....
what reallyt matters end of the day
is who you are and what is left in your life
when all of the incignificant things are
taken away....

Treasure those things what truly matters.

What really matters is if youve made the
best use of time,and done everything that
you needed to do.

Dont sit just there waiting,
You only LIVE Once

الساعة الآن 01:17 PM