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نتائج البحث عن ردود العضو : shsdl17

نتائج البحث عن ردود العضو : shsdl17

نتائج البحث عن ردود العضو :shsdl17
عدد النتائج (1) نتيجة
27-07-2010 03:47 مساءً
icon Shanghai tours | الكاتب :shsdl17 |المنتدى: .:. الصحة والحياة .:.
In China there is a saying that Xian has witnessed 2,000 of history, Beijing has witnessed 1,000 years of history while Shanghai bears witness to the last 100 years. For anyone who is interested in the history of modern China, Shanghai serves as an ideal starting point. Regarded as the Oriental Pearl, the city has a unique and important place in modern China and its rich heritage is worthy of exploration. And this has made Shanghai a centre of China Tours.Traveling to Shanghai, there are many place of interests.The architecture of Shanghai has its own characters. The Bund, the Stone-gate buildings, the different kinds of Shanghai style constructions, the modern installations which make an assemblage of different styles of architecture, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign are worth visiting.Chinas nightlife capital, Shanghai has a frenetic nightlife scene, with a proliferation of venues. An eclectic, international strain in the nightlife scene makes it very welcoming to outsiders. Bars and clubs and Shanghai Hotels seem to be everywhere, and pop up with increased regularity in Xintiandi and along the Bund, Tongren Lu, Nanjing Lu and Huaihai Lu. As ever, the major hotels (Grand Hyatt, Hilton, JW Marriott, Four Seasons, Portman Ritz-Carlton and Westin, in particular) have fine high-class bars. Bar prices can be surprisingly hefty, though many bars offer happy hours and one-price-all-you-can-drink deals in response to increased competition. There is no fear of passing a Sunday or Monday without action.The 2010 world expo has made Shanghai a more attracting place. Shanghai Flights are busy with great amount of international guests. With a explosive development, [size=9pt]Shanghai tours
also become increasingly hot.

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